Key Issues

Healthcare Reform

Mark Lorenzen advocates for a healthcare system that ensures all citizens have access to affordable and quality healthcare. His plan includes expanding coverage, reducing prescription drug costs, and investing in mental health services.

Education Equity

Understanding the importance of education, Mark supports increased funding for public schools, student loan debt relief, and making higher education more accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background.

Economic Equality

Mark's economic agenda focuses on reducing income inequality, supporting a livable minimum wage, protecting workers' rights, and promoting fair trade policies that benefit all Americans, not just the wealthy and corporations.

Climate Action and Sustainability

Committed to addressing climate change, Mark advocates for renewable energy solutions, conservation efforts, and policies that aim to reduce carbon emissions while creating sustainable jobs in green industries.

Social Justice and Civil Rights

Mark is dedicated to advancing civil rights, addressing systemic racism, protecting LGBTQ+ rights, and ensuring equal treatment under the law for all citizens.

Women's Rights and Reproductive Freedom

Mark firmly believes in a woman’s right to choose and is committed to defending reproductive rights, supporting equal pay, and fighting against gender discrimination in all forms.

Immigration Reform

Advocating for fair and humane immigration policies, Mark supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protecting the rights of refugees, and keeping families together.

Campaign Finance Reform

Mark is a strong proponent of campaign finance reform, believing in the need to reduce the influence of money in politics to ensure a more democratic and fair electoral process.

Gun Safety Laws

Mark supports common-sense gun safety laws that include background checks, closing gun show loopholes, and banning high-capacity magazines to reduce gun violence.